The 512th Fighter Squadron
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Kneeling: Smith, Teague, Beerworth.
O PERATIONS: Captain William ANDERSON, Jr., of Garrison, Montana, our Operations Officer and Captain J.C. BROWN of Birmingham, Ala., Asst. Operations Officer, are two of the few pilots who left the States with the Squadron and have been with us all through England, France, Belgium, and Germany. "Andy" and "Brownie" reflect the fine type of spirit and work that has made this Squadron one of the best. They have both accounted for the destruction of many enemy trains, tanks, trucks, ammo dumps, flak guns, etc., and "Andy" is the leading man in the Squadron on number of enemy planes shot down. Both wear the Air Medal with many clusters, and the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Robert (Bob) TEAGUE, Delmar BEERWORTH, and Herbert (Smitty) SMITH, the enlisted men of the section, say that all the confusion in the Squadron caused by changes in loads, changes in lanes, loading of tanks then unloading them, etc., is blamed on them, and although they aren't responsible, they are thankful to Bell for the invention of the telephone, for they feel they would hardly have escaped with their scalps if they would have had to deliver the messages in person.
The fellows, even when working under field conditions, with packing cases for desks and a beat-up typewriter, that looks as though it came off the ark, have always managed to keep a very efficient section. Their duties consist of keeping records of flying time, combat time, sortie credits, missions, etc., not to mention the making of Operations Orders, mission reports, and numerous other reports. Just to add to the confusion the telephones are always ringing with questions of who is flying? What is flying? When? Where? etc., and there are always flight schedules and last minute changes in schedules or loads to the line or flying control. All in all the boys never have a dull moment, but they say that it's very interesting to be right in the thick of the excitement, knowing what is going on at all times.
PHOTOGRAPHY: At the beginning of operations in England, the Photo Section consisted of only 2 men: Wharn (that's not all of his name) Bird of Collingdale, PA. And "Bill Carlson, the Swede from Minn.

Kneeling: chamberlain, Grandlich.
At first the work ranged from changing mags and checking cameras on the line to reloading mags and repairing cameras in the laboratory. But with the addition of two men, the processing of squadron film and projection of shows for special service were added to the daily tasks. Ex-watchmaker Joe GRANDLICH of Milwaukee, Wisc. Joined the section before leaving Ashford and in addition to photo work he kept the squadron watches in running condition. Early in France the last man joined the section—Dave CHAMBERLIN (good naturedly known as the "Mad Genius" for his unconventional gadgets) from Duck Creek, Montana. Yes, Montana is our ally.
We all hated to lave jolly ol' England—especially Bird who left something behind in Canterbury, and Chamberlain, who was just getting "lined up" in London. Well, France had a lot to offer.
We had always considered ourselves the superior photo section. Undoubtedly being under the supervision of Lt. Jack ROBINSON, who hails from Texas, was a deciding factor.
With the arrival of VE Day, training missions using just the cameras, and work for the squadron found us doing as much as ever. Would we ever get a break? Well, "C'est la Guerre."