Great Chart Remembers 406th Fighter Group 70 Years 2014
Narrative Memoir by Craig Knowles
Great Chart is a village south of the city of Ashford in Kent,
England. It has an old Norman church, a
village hall, a school and a fair number of private residences. Across the street from the church is a War
Memorial dedicated to the men of the village who fought and died in the Great
War and the Second World War.
Great Chart is also the location of ALG 417, the Advanced
Landing Ground used by three Allied air forces during World War II. ALG 417 is currently open farm land, although
that is slated to change dramatically in the next 10 - 20 years. No real traces of the American presence
remain, but there are several buildings in the area that were present during
the war. The most notable of these is
the home of Brigadier General and Mrs. Brian Parritt,
charmingly named Little Chilmington, which served as
406th Group Headquarters. The second
home is the residence of Ian and Carla Wolverson
named Netters Farm, a beautiful old home built around the year 1430.
In the summer of 2008, I received a handwritten letter from Ian Wolverson, whom I did not know at the time, which said he
got my name from the 406th Fighter Group web site. This got my attention as handwritten letters
are a rarity now. He introduced himself,
explained he was interested in the history of the 406th, and could I provide
him any details. I was happy to oblige,
and thus began a long email correspondence which continues even today.
In 2010, Ian contacted me with an idea he had been tossing
around. He had told me in 2009 that the
farmer who owned the air field had sold it, and a massive housing development
was to be erected on the property. He
also noticed that for years Britain’s remembrances on the local level of their
war dead had become almost routine, and no one was
cognizant of the level of sacrifice on a personal and national level Britain
had made. I opined it was probably true
for most nations. He had an idea that
perhaps a proper memorial service was in order.
He felt the men of the 406th who had died while the Group was stationed
in Ashford should be included in the service.
In other words, the twenty-one men of the 406th who died while stationed
in Great Chart would be adopted as “Ashford’s own”. I was deeply touched by this gesture, and
agreed to help in any way I could.
And this was how “Great Chart Remembers” was born, to be held on
August 4th, 2014 which was timed to coincide with the
100th anniversary to the day of Britain’s entry into WW1. Ian spent the next three years formulating a
vision of how the memorial service should be structured, and in organizing a
team of individuals in the village who shared this vision and were committed to
bringing it about. The idea was that
Great Chart would honor all their own WWI and WWII veterans killed in action as
well as those members of the Canadian and American air forces operating from
ALG 417 who had also died. Ian asked me
to provide photographs of the Americans who died,
which I was able to do, and I also provided some supporting data. Regular correspondence continued on these
lines during this time period.
My job was to alert as many individuals of the 406th and the
Younger Generation of the planned memorial.
I sent one large email blast to as many addresses as I had. Many responded but could not attend for
reasons of health, finances, and previous commitments. One person who was very enthusiastic was
Karen Burns, the daughter of Jack Robinson, and her husband Bob. I had never met her at any of the reunions,
so this was to going to be really special to find someone else of my generation
with a connection to the 406th.
Then, on September 30, 2013, I got an email from Bernie Sledzik of the 514th Fighter Squadron. He had initially stated it was doubtful he
would attend but now, pending his and his wife’s continued good health, he now
planned to attend. This was very
courageous on his part, as he would turn 90 three months before the
ceremony. An email notification to Ian
was clearly not good enough so I phoned him and he was as excited as I was - to
have an original member of the 406th in attendance would make the memorial
service truly unforgettable.
Months went by with no real activity on my part, but in the
spring of 2014, many travel plans were made with much coordination among the
six Americans who would attend. We
planned to arrive in London at slightly different times in the week before the
ceremony, but we agreed to stay in the same hotel to allow better travel
coordination. After we arrived at the
hotel, we all met for breakfast on Saturday August 2nd, 2014. Following introductions and a meal, Bob and
Karen by previous agreement, departed for Ashford to stay with the Parritts.
As Bernie and Brink Sledzik wanted an
extra day in London, it was used to great advantage. Advance purchase of train tickets, was
followed by libations at the Stanhope Arms on Gloucester Road. As we returned to the hotel, Bernie was by
chance engaged in conversation on the sidewalk with another American, a
complete stranger, a Korean War veteran.
This episode turned out to be a hallmark of Bernie’s visit to the UK. It seemed as though everyone wanted to talk
to Bernie, especially after our arrival in Ashford. He was gaining celebrity status right before
our eyes.
The following day, the four of us took a cab to St. Pancras Station, and boarded the train. Only 45 minutes later, and after 2 stops, we had
traversed the 70 miles to Ashford; that train is really fast. We shortly after arrived at the Wolverson residence.
Carla greeted us enthusiastically as Ian was out trying to be everywhere
else at once managing final details.
Throughout our stay, Ian honored all of us by flying an American flag in
his front yard.
An hour or so later, Ian arrived, introductions were made, and
we all sat down for lunch and a good chat about the program schedule. I had little idea of what had been settled
on, as I had resolved not to pester Ian to get details in the formative stages
of the event.
We had a very pleasant dinner that evening at Netters, and
breakfast the following morning, shortly after which Ian was off again. He later returned to transport us to the village
hall. It was there that we finally got a
glimpse of the scope of the ceremony. We
saw the inside of the church, where two large video screens had been erected,
and extra seating had been installed for the number of people expected to
attend the service.
Across the street in the Village Hall itself were a series of
very large corrugated black plastic support boards holding photographs and
stories. The display boards were
suspended from the ceiling, but tied together at the ends at right angles to one
another. Starting with the WWI Ashford
KIA, and winding around on both sides were the RAF and RCAF KIA at ALG 417, and
at the end the USAAF KIA, was at least one photograph of every man, and other
information such as copies of letters home, service records, etc. The setup at right angles allowed many people
to be in the hall at once to see the entire display. Outside the hall was a small area for seating
under the shade of a tree, and again, it was Bernie Sledzik
who was the focus of attention of a good many people, particularly the RAF 5003
Engineering squadron men in attendance.
Many cameras were in frequent use here.
The American contingent was loaded onto a small bus and,
accompanied a second bus carrying the RAF contingent, proceeded
to the ALG 417 airfield itself. We spent
a few minutes there with Ian and a few others from the village. It was a beautiful warm day, and a breeze was
blowing down the runway towards the sea.
I stepped away from the group and just stared, trying to imagine the winds
that blew down that runway from nearly 50 P-47s, some 70 years ago. And I recalled that it was exactly 70 years
minus one day that the last remnants of the 406th had departed Great Chart for
an airfield in France.
Finally, it was
time to board our transports again. We
had a quick roadside tour of the site where the 20 RAF men died from a bombing
attack, and then off to a tour of Godinton House, the
former home of a local noble featuring beautiful grounds and gardens, now held
in trust for future generations. It was
here that my wife, Terry, and I met the military air attaches for Canada and
the United States. They were both fine
young men, dedicated to their jobs, and enthusiastic about the ceremony.
We returned to the
church and were guided to reserved seating near the
front. The church filled up and by the
start of the ceremony there was standing room only. At 6:45 the ceremony started with a welcome
from Ian, and a 30 minute video presentation.
The video showed in stark detail the incredible horrors of trench
warfare in WWI: mud, rats, lice, trench
foot, barbed wire, incessant shelling and machine gun fire, and the use of
flame throwers and poison gas. It was
not lost on anyone that the first and last shots of WWI were fired only 150
yards apart from one another in the Belgian village of Mons, attesting to the
tremendous slaughter at so little gain.
Portraits of every Great Chart man that fell followed. This was followed by the portraits of the
fifteen RAF Engineering squadron men killed by a V-1 buzz bomb on May 20th ,1944. Next were
the twenty one men of the 406th Fighter Group, adopted by Great Chart and
honored and remembered by them. Last was
a portrait of an RAF pilot killed in a Gloster Meteor
crash at the airfield some months after the Americans had departed.

This was followed
by prayers, additions to the Roll of Honour, a hymn
(Oh God our Help in Ages Past), and a Bible reading by Brigadier General Parritt. Ian spoke
again recounting of the events of 22 May 1944 for the RAF 5003 Squadron. Next was the Navy Hymn (Eternal Father Strong
to Save), followed by Bernie Sledzik,
who recited the poem “High Flight”. The
rector of the church spoke for about five minutes, followed by the Archdeacon
of Ashford, who exceeded his allotted time by over twenty minutes. Keep in mind that the ceremony was to end at
sundown with the lowering of flags at the War Memorial, and so a strict
timetable had to be observed. It was
only a signal from Ian in the front of the church that kept things moving along. Ian continued with the story of ALG 417, and the Roll of Honour
(music: Largo from Dvorak’s 9th
Following the
ceremony, the church emptied out as all proceeded the 75 yards down the road
(which had been closed for two hours) to the War Memorial.
A crowd gathered
in the street around the Memorial, and on a platform supported on scaffolding
on the small hill above the road on the opposite side of the street. There were six flags flying at the Memorial,
three along the right hand wall, and three on the left. On the right side were the national flags of
Britain, Canada and America, and on the left side were
the corresponding unit flags. As the
406th had no unit flag as such, the American Air Force flag substituted. Each flag was guarded quite professionally by
a local Boy Scout.
The service began
again with Ian’s and General Parritt’s words of
remembrance and laying of the Village Wreath, followed by a beautiful audio
recording of David Dorsey (brother of 406th pilot Ike Dorsey) reciting the poem
“Flanders Fields”, in his slow and soft Alabama accent. Many later said this was the most beautiful
moment of the entire ceremony.
Ian recounted the
construction of RAF Ashford, and a RAF wreath was laid by 5001 Squadron Leader
Mike Haygarth.
A small 4” x 6” wooden cross with a poppy at its center was placed in
the soil at the base of the War Memorial for each man honored in the
ceremony. Ian invited the residents of
the village to plant the flags for the men of Great Chart, followed by the RAF
5003 Engineering detachment for those killed by the buzz bomb in May 1944
(Music: Nimrod by Edward Elgar). There
were more than enough representing both groups to allow for the planting of the
flags. However, for the 21 Americans who
perished, there were only 6 Americans present.
After we had planted our crosses, Ian invited anyone from either of the
other groups to plant the remaining 15 flags, and more than a sufficient number
stepped forward. This was all
accomplished slowly, solemnly and with great reverence.

The new memorial
stone at the left rear of the War Memorial was unveiled by the RAF detachment,
and it was to be followed by the unveiling of the American stone at the right
Bernie Sledzik had been invited to
perform that unveiling, and was guided up to the front of the stone, covered
with an American flag. He stepped
forward, and drew the flag up and over the back of the stone. He stepped back, snapped to attention, and
saluted smartly. He held that salute
while cameras clicked and flashes illuminated behind him in great
abundance. I don’t think there was a dry
eye within a hundred yards.

To me this was the pinnacle of the ceremony, and on a soft
summer night in Great Chart, it took on an almost magical quality. Here was Bernie Sledzik,
at age 90, saluting those men who were his brothers in arms of 70 years
ago. In my mind’s eye, seven decades
just dropped away, and as a 20 year old American fighter pilot stood there and
saluted, I could almost imagine the ghostly spirits of the twenty-one
Americans, whose names will forever be inscribed on that memorial, arising as
one, snapping to attention, and returning that salute.
Bernie’s arm returned to his side, and the honored dead of the
406th returned to their Eternal Rest.
The ceremony then concluded with two minutes of silence, a
closing prayer, and the playing of Last Post as the flags were lowered very
slowly, culminating in sunset in the village.

Ian turned to me and I congratulated him on an absolutely superb
ceremony. Most of us walked back up the
now darkened street to the village hall, where many thoughtful conversations
ensued. Many spoke to Bernie, and he received many thanks
for coming such a long way and participating in the ceremony, and making it so memorable
and moving. We all talked for a while,
but eventually returned home and turned in for the night.
The next morning on Ian’s TV, we watched a recorded dedication
ceremony by Prince Harry of a new archway in the city of Folkestone
that had taken place the day before.
This was significant as it was from this port that thousands of Allied
soldiers embarked on ships bound for the war in France. It was suggested that this might be worth a
visit, so Ian and Carla and their four American guests visited the town for the
day. The arch was very impressive, as
were the thousands of artificial poppies (mostly crocheted) that were mounted
on the chain link fence that overlooked the harbor.
We returned to Great Chart, to the Parritt
home, Little Chilmington, where the six Americans and
our four English hosts sat outside in the back garden with drinks all around,
and much conversation and reminiscence.
After an hour or so, it was decided we would go our separate ways for
dinner. Before we broke up, I got up and
offered the following toast to Bernie and his comrades:
Here’s to the fighter
pilots, wherever they may be
Aloft in lonely glory
At rest in Eternity
Or here, reliving
thrills again
back the years, from now till then.
Here’s to the breed
apart, to a dying art,
To the spirit that now
binds them.
To the planes and the
flak, to the brass and the crap,
to battles long behind them.
To the fighter pilots,
then, be they friend or foe
Let us drink,
Gentlemen, and let us shout
We all retired to the front lawn where many pictures were taken
as mementos of our last night as a group, with many handshakes, hugs and well
wishes. It was decided that a dinner out
in a pub was a fitting way to end Bernie and Brink’s visit. We returned to Netters, had one more
celebratory nightcap, and turned in.
The next morning was a little subdued, as the Sledziks were packing up.
Brian Parritt had to travel to London that
day, and Bob and Karen Burns had already decided it was time to go. By very good fortune, they met up with Bernie
and Brink at the station in Ashford, and were able to accompany them back to
London. And so ended a wonderful few days in Great Chart, with great memories
for all who participated, and a renewed sense of reverence for all whose lives
were laid down that we may live in freedom.